Supporting local nature for our future

... helping nature helping us!

Current and upcoming projects / ways you can get involved / ways to help nature

Wild Colerne's & other nature-related dates
February events added

Ever expanding local nature & wildlife gallery. Submit your photos / artwork here!

What to look out for at this time of year

See the range of plants and wildlife in Colerne which have been recorded and added so far to the NBN Atlas online database
(lists with map)

Wild Colerne is a registered charity

We are community-based:
locals working together on fun / educational / transformational projects, plus lots of events and activities - encouraging appreciation, involvement and positive action to help nature.


Find out more about us


View our Policies
(safeguarding, equality and diversity,
health and safety, and data protection).


We are very grateful to have been supported with funding from:

Grant for start-up funding from the Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund. Their Environment Fund supports charitable and community activities across the region that have a positive impact on the local environment.

Grant from The Wildflower Society for 'botanical events for children and young people'.  They are a national society for amateur botanists and wild flower lovers in Britain and Ireland who work to promote awareness of wildflowers, especially amoung younsters, as well as to educate about conservation of wildflowers, British flora and the countryside.